STL - Société de transport de Laval


Bus schedules by route and stop number


Fall schedule : major changes to certain bus routes
Starting August 24, major changes will be made to certain bus routes. Please confirm the schedules in effect and plan your trips accordingly.

See details here. (French only)

When is the next bus?

Select a route to view its stops, schedule and route map. Know your stop number? See when your bus is scheduled to arrive and check for updates. Remember: Try to get to your stop 5 minutes early. Have a safe ride!

*The PDF schedules are not automatically updated. Some differences may appear between the PDF and the website. Please use the bus times shown on this page and always be at your bus stop 5 minutes before the planned schedule.


Does your trip also include a ride on the STM, exo or RTL? Use our trip planner to get your itinerary.

Network map

You can use the trip planner's interactive map to view the location of all the bus stops on our network, accessible routes and stops, points of sale, park and ride lots, bike paths and train commuter train stations, as well as BIXI and Communauto stations in Laval.

Looking for the PDF map of the STL network?

Downlaod it here (PDF - last update: 2018)

Here are some valid requests to activate departure and arrival location suggestions and get your itinirary.
Address 900 St-Martin Blvd
900 st-martin
3225 A440
3225 a440
Intersection Industriel bldv and Michelin st
industriel and michelin
Location Centre Laval
centre lav
Metro Métro Cartier
métro car
Station Gare Centrale
Stop number 41649
Postal Code H7S 1Y9