To get to school and get around Laval by bus, you need to ride the STL! We’ll explain all the steps for taking the bus without any worries.
I’m starting the new school year off on the right foot!
Find my bus route
With over 40 school routes integrated into its network, the STL carries students to various private and public high schools in Laval.
Want to find out if one of these routes serves your school and district?
Find my school route
Is there no integrated school route serving your school? Our regular network will get you there. Use our trip planner to see your options.
Plan my trip on the regular network
Enjoy a reduced fare
To access the reduced fare for high school students, you need to get an OPUS card with photo ID at a metropolitan ticket office starting August 1, or renew it. Whether you’re taking an integrated school route or a regular bus route, you need to pay for your ride by purchasing a pass known as a “transit fare” which you charge on your OPUS card. Learn how to get or renew your card and make sure to have all the required documents on hand to get it.
Get or renew an OPUS card with photo ID
Find the right fare for me
Depending on how frequent you travel, one type of fare may be a better value than another.
• More than 23 trips per month: go with the monthly pass.
• Occasional trips (23 trips or less): go with the 1-, 2- or 10-trip pass.
Good to know: There are specific fares for schools that are part of the Centre de services scolaires de Laval (CSS de Laval) and the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board (SWLSB).
Which transit fare suits your needs?
See the list of fares available
Before leaving
At the stop
I get to the bus stop at least five minutes before the scheduled arrival time.
I check the route number on the bus as it approaches to make sure I get on the right bus.
I prepare to pay my fare by having my payment method ready: OPUS card, cash or debit card.
I make sure the bus driver notices that I want to get on board (I can give them a hand signal, get closer to the bus stop and look in the direction of the bus). For my safety, I will never run after a bus if I miss it.
I tap my OPUS card on the reader located at the entrance or I pay my fare by dropping the change in the farebox slot.
I am ready to show my OPUS card’s photo ID if it’s the payment method I used.
I walk toward the back of the bus to free up the front.
I don’t have a reserved spot : it’s first come, first served.
To get off the bus
I press the stop button located on the poles or I gently pull on the bell cord located alongside the windows to alert the driver that I want to get off at the next stop.
I head toward the back door, whenever possible, instead of the front door of the bus.
I push the handle or I move my hand under the motion detector to open the door.
I let the bus drive off before I safely cross the street.
If I left something on the bus or if I have any questions, I can call the STL Customer Contact Centre for assistance : 450 688-6520