STL - Société de transport de Laval


SONDAGE SATISFACTION STL - 500 $ à gagner! -


Payment methods

You can use different payment methods to pay for your fare on the STL bus network.


Can be used to instantly pay for a single regular fare on all our buses. Transfer automatically included. Only valid on STL buses.

Credit card

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  • Requires a contactless-enabled credit card : all you have to do is tap your card on the terminal when you get on board. Only the exact amount for a single regular fare would be charged (no additional fees).
  • No receipt is issued.
  • Transfer is included on the STL bus network only (no ticket issued). Simply tap the same card on the next bus within 120 minutes (from the time you tapped your card on the first terminal). Find out more about transfers

Valid cards or payment methods :

  • Visa or Mastercard credit cards
  • Mobile payment app on iPhone (Wallet)
  • Google Pay Visa on Android devices

American Express and foreign credit cards are not accepted.

Solution made possible thanks to the Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain (ARTM).

© Visa. Trademark of Visa International Service Association. Used under licence.

© Mastercard. Registered trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. Used under licence.


Opus card

You can load up to four different types of fares on your OPUS card. All Modes AB, ABC or ABCD, 1-, 2- and 10-trip fares can be loaded on an OPUS card or an Occasionnelle smart card. A second OPUS card may be needed in some cases. To learn more, talk to an agent at one of our metropolitan ticket offices or call our Customer Contact Centre at 450 688-6520.

Opus card

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Occasionnelle chip card

Can be loaded with 1-, 2- and 10-trip Bus, All Modes AB, All Modes ABC or All Modes ABCD fares, as well as 24-hour, 3-day, Unlimited Evening, and Unlimited Weekend passes for occasional use if you do not have an OPUS card.

Chip card

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  • Recyclable in your home bin and valid for the number of fares loaded (cannot be reloaded once all the fares are used up).
  • Non-refundable.
  • Tap the card reader when boarding.

Quickly see what fares are loaded on your Occasionnelle smart card using the Chrono mobile app. Learn more about this feature.

Cash and transfer ticket

Can be used to pay for a single regular fare by dropping the exact change in the farebox. A 120-minute transfer ticket is issued upon request.

Cash payment

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  • Exact change or higher amount accepted in the farebox.
  • The driver does not give out change, paper money not accepted.
  • Transfer : ask the driver for a transfer as soon as you get on the bus. Transfers are not automatically issued. A transfer allows you to change bus routes at no additional cost during your journey within a 120-minute period. The next time you get on the bus on the same journey, insert the transfer ticket in the validation slot on the farebox. Find out more about transfers

Fare collection boxes, card readers and terminals


Farebox and terminals

Click here to enlarge image



The farebox located at the front of every bus is used for :

  • cash payment
  • transfer tickets



Card reader


The card reader located to the right of the farebox is used for :

  • OPUS cards
  • Occasionnelle chip cards
  • STL magnetic cards (issued directly by the STL in special cases)






Terminals located above the card readers are used for :

  • credit cards
  • debit cards

Find your fare

What type of ticket do you need for using public transit in Laval, Montreal and the northern suburb? It depends on your travel habits and your age category..

Find out about the validity of transit fares

Accepted payment methods for paratransit

Do you use STL paratransit? Find out about fares and accepted payment methods

Here are some valid requests to activate departure and arrival location suggestions and get your itinirary.
Address 900 St-Martin Blvd
900 st-martin
3225 A440
3225 a440
Intersection Industriel bldv and Michelin st
industriel and michelin
Location Centre Laval
centre lav
Metro Métro Cartier
métro car
Station Gare Centrale
Stop number 41649
Postal Code H7S 1Y9