STL - Société de transport de Laval


SONDAGE SATISFACTION STL - 500 $ à gagner! -




STL offers door-to-door paratransit service between accessible departure and destination locations.

Paratransit service is intended for persons with disabilities who require significant mobility assistance and operates by reservation only.

To be eligible for paratransit service, you must meet the eligibility criteria set by Quebec’s Ministry of Transportation. For more information about paratransit service and to learn how to apply, click here.


Regular transportation

Routine trips at fixed times and locations (for example, transportation to and from work).
Reserve by telephone:

  • At least 3 days in advance for regular destinations
  • 2 weeks in advance for very busy destinations (for example, daycare services)
  • By June 1 (mandatory) for summer day camp transportation

In the interest of improving service for all our clients, confirmed schedules for regular transportation may occasionally vary and may be modified several times a year. Important: on statuary holidays, every regular transportation is automaticaly cancelled. If you wish to keep it as usual, please contact our reservation center.

Occasional transportation

One-time trip on a specific date.

Reserve by telephone or online:

  • At least 3 days in advance
  • By 5 p.m. the day before your trip

Trips in the greater metropolitan area

Trips outside the city of Laval in the ARTM’s service area.
Reserve by telephone:

  • 3 days in advance

Unauthorized transportation

Paratransit service is offered for individual (single-person) trips only.

The paratransit service may not be used for:

  • Group trips
  • School trips (elementary or secondary school, public or private institutions)
  • Transportation between medical facilities for the purpose of receiving healthcare services


To ensure accessibility, both departure and destination locations must be equipped with a safe access ramp. 

Use of an unsafe ramp may result in the cancellation of your trip. In addition, you may be asked to take corrective measures to ensure your ramp meets safety requirements.


The driver will notify you of their arrival by ringing the doorbell.

If your departure location is an apartment building or public area, please wait for your driver in the lobby. The driver will approach you and greet you by name.

If needed, the driver can assist you with boarding and exiting the paratransit vehicle.

Authorized driver assistance

Your driver can help you:

  • Transfer between the vehicle and the building entrance at your departure/destination location.
  • Enter or exit the building at your departure/destination location.
  • Get into and out of the vehicle.
  • Store your wheelchair, walker, cane or other mobility aid in the vehicle trunk.

Unauthorized driver assistance

Your driver is not authorized to:

  • Take an elevator or stairway to meet you or escort you to your floor.
  • Wait for you if you arrive late.
  • Change your reservation.
  • Transfer you from your wheelchair to a taxi. You must be able to do this alone or with minimal assistance. If you are unable to do so, please let us know by calling 450-662-8356 so we can add this restriction to your file.


For all types of reservations, both outbound and return, we will provide you with a 30-minute time window.

This means the vehicle may arrive to pick you up at any time during this 30-minute period. Please note that you must be ready to board the vehicle at the beginning of this time window.

By being prepared on time, you’ll help prevent delays and inconveniences both for you and other users.

Notwithstanding events outside our control (unplanned detour, snow storm, etc.), we will do our best to honour the confirmed time window.

Learn about the STL’s Quality Commitment

What if a paratransit vehicle doesn’t arrive during the confirmed 30-minute time window?

  1. Call us and inform us of the delay. We’ll verify the situation and let you know what’s happening.
  2. Immediately return to your agreed departure location. The driver will be informed to wait for you if they arrive before you.


It’s very important to let us know if f you’re unable arrive at the agreed time and location due to unforeseen circumstances, or if you found an alternative transportation option.

No-shows on outbound trips:

  • Your return trip will be automatically cancelled.
  • To keep your reservation, you must notify a Reservations Centre agent no later than 30 minutes after your confirmed departure time.

No-shows on return trips:

  • If you call to request a different time window for your return trip, your request will be processed according to current availability and may be declined.
  • Customers with multiple no-shows or who make frequent cancellations may be subject to restrictive measures regarding travel.


You may travel with a companion if you have been pre-authorized to do so by the STL’s eligibility committee.


  • One travel companion only.*
  • You must inform us that a companion will be travelling with you when you make your reservation.
  • Your companion must get on and get off at the same location as you, and, aside from certain exceptions, they must pay their own fare.

Your companion is welcome to let the driver know how to make your trip as safe and comfortable for you as possible.

If you did not inform us that a companion would be travelling with you, the driver will not be authorized to let them board the vehicle.

* Some exceptions apply for passengers aged 14 and under. Please contact us for details.


The User Guide lets you plan your trips with ease and travel worry-free.

Here are some valid requests to activate departure and arrival location suggestions and get your itinirary.
Address 900 St-Martin Blvd
900 st-martin
3225 A440
3225 a440
Intersection Industriel bldv and Michelin st
industriel and michelin
Location Centre Laval
centre lav
Metro Métro Cartier
métro car
Station Gare Centrale
Stop number 41649
Postal Code H7S 1Y9