STL - Société de transport de Laval


Shared taxi service and hours

How do shared taxis work?

Shared taxis provide service to areas that aren't on a bus route. Take a shared taxi to get to a less popular destination or a street that’s not open to buses. Fares are the same as for traveling on the regular bus network. Just make sure you have a valid ticket.

Shared taxis only accept OPUS cards. Cash, credit/debit cards and "L'occasionnelle" chip cards are not accepted.

IMPORTANT - Schedules may change without prior notice. Make sure to always confirm the effective schedule before planning your trip. 


February 27, 2025 – Two new shared taxi service routes will replace former routes T12 and T21: Regular shared taxi service T06 and On-demand shared taxi service T36 in the John-Molson industrial area.

Learn more about this improvement and about what changes (French only)


Requesting a ride on a shared taxi is easy. Simply select one of the predetermined stops and times to schedule a pick-up.

View instructions

  1. Check your taxi's schedule below.
  2. Make a reservation online or call 450-575-8204.
  • Reservation 30 minutes in advance or more.
  • Specify the taxi route number, stop number, trip time and number.
  • Have your OPUS card on hand. You will have to give the number on the back of the card. 
  • Note for online booking:
    • The booking confirmation will be sent by text message
    • To modify or cancel your trip, call 514 273-2704.
  1. Make sure you pack your OPUS card and get to the stop 5 minutes early.


A shared taxi is just like a bus. It follows a specific route, makes regular stops and sticks to a schedule, regardless of whether there are customers waiting or not.

View instructions

  1. Check the schedule. Please check the schedules regularly as they may change without notice. 
  2. Make sure you pack your OPUS card and get to the stop 5 minutes early.



Please find below all the details and instructions to use this type of service.

Shared taxi routes in Laval

  • On-request service
  • See the schedule
  • See map
Route Served area District Transfer
T01 Rue Gaumont Saint-Vincent-de-Paul / Duvernay 42 48 52 58 252
T01 Boul. De la Concorde Saint-Vincent-de-Paul / Duvernay 42 48 52 58 252
T02 Rue Gaumont Saint-Vincent-de-Paul / Duvernay 42 48 52 58 252
T02 Boul. De la Concorde Saint-Vincent-de-Paul / Duvernay 42 48 52 58 252
T03 Plastiques Balcan Vimont 17 27 31 39 41 43 73 74
T03 Boul. des Laurentides Vimont 17 27 31 39 41 43 73 74
T06 voie de desserte au sud de l'A-440 Chomedey 36 46 55 56 151
T06 Saint-Martin / 100e Avenue Chomedey 36 46 55 56 151
T07 Montée Saint-François / Lévesque Vimont / Duvernay / Saint-Vincent-de-Paul 22 27 39 41 42 43 48 50 52 58 70 222 252
T07 René-Laennec / Dagenais Vimont / Duvernay / Saint-Vincent-de-Paul 22 27 39 41 42 43 48 50 52 58 70 222 252
T10 Avenue des Perron Auteuil 17 31 39 73
T10 Boul. Des Laurentides / Sainte-Rose Auteuil 17 31 39 73
T11 Saint-Elzéar / Chomedey Chomedey 55 61 151
T11 Louis-B.-Mayer / A440 Chomedey 55 61 151
T18 Saint-Antoine / Principale Ste-Dorothée / Fabreville 46 56
T18 Champagne / Saint-Martin Ste-Dorothée / Fabreville 46 56
T19 Duchesneau Saint-François 42 52 252 901 925
T19 Marcel-Villeneuve Saint-François 42 52 252 901 925
T22 Dagenais / Ovide Fabreville 55 903
T23 Terminus Le Carrefour Chomedey 39 42 50 56 60 61 63 66 70 360 902 903
T23 Frégault Chomedey 39 42 50 56 60 61 63 66 70 360 902 903
T26 Ch. du Bord-de-l'Eau / Boul. Jolibourg Ste-Dorothée 26
T26 Gare Île Bigras Ste-Dorothée 26
T27 Stationnement Nord Gare Ste-Dorothée Ste-Dorothée 26 76 498(exo) 730 744 903
T27 Stationnement Sud Gare Ste-Dorothée Ste-Dorothée 26 76 498(exo) 730 744 903
T28 Stationnement Nord Gare Ste-Dorothée Ste-Dorothée 26 76 498(exo) 730 744 903
T29 Boulevard Notre-Dame Ste-Dorothée 24 26 66 144
T29 Rue Étienne-Lavoie Ste-Dorothée 24 26 66 144


Book your trip within the defined operating periods and easily join our bus network (see map). No planned schedule, no predefined route, no onboarding along the way.

The area is served by connection stops (C) with the STL regular bus network and on-demand stops (D). Check the route map to identify connection and on-demand stops.

With this service, you can transit:

  • from an on-demand stop to another on-demand stop (D to D); 
  • from an on-demand stop to a connection stop (D to C);
  • from a connection stop to an on-demand stop (C to D).

No trip between 2 connection stops (C to C).

See instructions

1. Make a reservation online or call 450-575-8204 within the shared taxi route operating hours.

  • Reservation 30 minutes in advance or more.
  • Specify:
    • the taxi route number
    • the boarding and onboarding stops (5-digit stop number)
    • the number of people to get onboard
    • the pick-up or arrival time you would like
  • Have your OPUS card on hand with a valid fare. You will have to give the number on th back of the card. 
  • Note for online booking:
    • The booking confirmation will be sent by text message.
    • To modify or cancel your trip, call 514-273-2704.

2. Get to the stop 5 minutes early with your OPUS card and be ready to be picked-up within the next half hour.

  • On-demand service
  • See schedule
  • See map
Route Served Area District Map Operating periods Transfer
T36 Phone Secteur John-Molson/voie de desserte sud A440 Chomedey



Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday from 6:30 a.m. to midnight
36 46 55 56 151

Network map

You can use the trip planner's interactive map to view the location of all the bus stops on our network, accessible routes and stops, points of sale, park and ride lots, bike paths and train commuter train stations.

View the PDF version of the map

Here are some valid requests to activate departure and arrival location suggestions and get your itinirary.
Address 900 St-Martin Blvd
900 st-martin
3225 A440
3225 a440
Intersection Industriel bldv and Michelin st
industriel and michelin
Location Centre Laval
centre lav
Metro Métro Cartier
métro car
Station Gare Centrale
Stop number 41649
Postal Code H7S 1Y9