STL - Société de transport de Laval




Carpooling is more popular than ever. It's a flexible, affordable and sustainable transportation option that has many benefits for drivers and passengers alike.

Free parking at Park and Ride locations

Park and Ride locations contain designated free parking spaces for people transferring between carpooling and public transit. The following conditions apply:

  • Minimum 2 people aged 16 or over per vehicle

  • No reservations (first come, first served)

  • No registration required

Get there faster

In Laval, carpooling users get access to the city’s reserved public transit lanes. It’s a great way to avoid traffic congestion and save time on your trip.

Save money on transportation

One of the biggest advantages of carpooling is that it saves you money. By sharing your vehicle with other people, you can cut down on expenses like parking, gas and maintenance.

Cut greenhouse gas emissions

Like all public transit options, carpooling helps fight climate change. According to Équiterre, a single person who carpools to work can reduce CO2 emissions by 4 tonnes per year.

Here are some valid requests to activate departure and arrival location suggestions and get your itinirary.
Address 900 St-Martin Blvd
900 st-martin
3225 A440
3225 a440
Intersection Industriel bldv and Michelin st
industriel and michelin
Location Centre Laval
centre lav
Metro Métro Cartier
métro car
Station Gare Centrale
Stop number 41649
Postal Code H7S 1Y9