STL - Société de transport de Laval


Key performance indicators (KPI)

STL Key Performance Indicators

The Société de transport de Laval has set up key performance indicators and operational metrics to ensure it meets the objectives outlined in its Strategic Organizational Plan for 2019-2028. 

On a mission to provide a quality public transit system driven by efficiency, innovation, and the ability to evolve in lockstep with mobility needs, the above tools will enable to STL track and measure its progress.

What exactly are we measuring?

In order to meet our rider experience targets, we will be closely monitoring performance indicators related to:

  • customer satisfaction 
  • service quality
  • ridership

The STL has also adopted operational metrics to track its productivity and environmental commitments every year. We publish these metrics on an annual basis.

In terms of governance, this exercise aims to render our efforts as a public body regarding our daily operations and the quality of our service even more transparent.

Understanding the indicators

All the indicators found here are grouped according to overall categories (service quality, productivity, environment, etc.), and you can view results covering several years. Below are some explanations to help you interpret the charts:

Green result : We have reached our objective.
Orange result : Our objective is almost reached.
Red dash : We have not yet reached our objective, we’re working on it.

In order to monitor the evolution of our performance, these indicators have been determined so that we can measure ourselves against ourselves from year to year. Since the definitions and methods of calculating the indicators may vary from one transport company to another, the data presented below cannot be used for comparison purposes.

Quality of service

On-time performance – Regular bus service


Description: On-time performance refers to the proportion of riders boarding the bus at the appointed time. Boardings are deemed on time when they occur anywhere between 30 seconds before and 5 minutes 30 seconds after the bus is scheduled to arrive at the rider’s stop. Riders rank this as the most important service element.

Objective: The STL is aiming for an on-time rate equal to or above 89.5% by 2023 and 90% by 2028.

Calculation: Number of on-time boardings per trip as per the 0,+5 benchmark  / Number of total boardings per trip (%).

Observations: On-time performance is stable, with a slight increase expected in 2019, despite a +46% increase in road congestion between 2014 and 2017, and a rise of +37% forecast between 2017 and 2021 (WSP study). Were it not for the innovative embedded systems, reserved bus lanes, priority traffic lights, Quality Commitment Program, and constant watchfulness of the drivers, the level of bus service might have seriously suffered. Also, the STL’s on-time performance is often tied to the extent of the work being performed and the work sites being operated in Laval.

Observations 2021: Our ongoing efforts to adhere to published schedules, combined with a drop in road traffic and transit ridership due to the pandemic, enabled us to maintain an on-time rate close to that of 2020 and above target.

On-time performance – Paratransit service


Description: This indicator is for tracking whether riders are picked up within the allotted 30-minute interval.

Objective: The STL is aiming for an on-time rate equal to or above 92% by 2023 and 93% by 2028.

Calculation: Measured for all trips based on rider timeslot (30 min timeslot), give or take ± 5 min.

Observations: On-time performance dropped slightly despite a sharp +46% increase in road congestion between 2014 and 2017 (WSP study). Because of the REM construction work, we do not expect on-time performance for regular bus service or paratransit transportation to improve until the REM starts running in 2024.

Customer satisfaction rating – Regular bus service


Description: This indicator reflects the level of customer satisfaction with regular bus service over a specific period of time. This data is collected via a survey the STL conducts twice yearly, in spring and fall.

Objective: The STL is aiming for a score of 8/10 by 2023 and 8.5 by 2028.

Calculation: The satisfaction score corresponds to the survey answer on a scale of 1 to 10: How do you rate your overall satisfaction with the STL?

Observations: The level of customer satisfaction of regular STL users has been consistently good for some years now. 8/10 is widely viewed as a very good score, and that’s the objective the public transit authority has  set for itself, aiming to reach it on the strength of the improvements it continually brings to its service offering (service quality, frequency, on-time performance, rider information).

Observations 2021: The STL’s high customer rating reflects the efforts we made in 2021 to provide a safe, high-quality service to transit users. Our customers particularly appreciated the clean and comfortable transit experience (safe driving, calm environment, less crowding due to a drop in transit ridership in Laval). However, we scored significantly lower on equipment reliability (digital displays at bus stops) and on the ease of finding schedules and getting real-time service status updates.

Customer satisfaction rating – Paratransit service


Description: This indicator speaks to the customer satisfaction level of paratransit transportation users.  This data is collected via a survey the STL conducts bi-annually, and will start conducting annually in 2019.

Objective: The STL is aiming for a score of 8.4/10 by 2023 and 8.5 in 2028. In a highly changeable environment with rising demand, it is more realistic to focus on maintaining the level of quality.

Calculation: Satisfaction score on a scale of 1 to 10 for the question: How do you rate your satisfaction with the quality of the services?

Observations: STL performance stably remains at a level that generally speaks to a very high degree of rider satisfaction. 

Observations 2021: The STL did not poll paratransit users in 2021. However, the fact that we scored an 8.8 rating in the 2020 survey conducted by the Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain among the region’s public transit agencies shows that riders are generally very satisfied with the STL’s paratransit service.

Quality commitment rating


Description: This indicator measures the progress of mean satisfaction scores (on 10) from mystery riders for four of the five components of the Quality Commitment Program: Courtesy, safety, cleanliness and rider information. On-time performance is addressed in a separate indicator.

Objective: The STL is aiming for a rating of 95% by 2023 and 96% by 2028.

Calculation: The calculation corresponds to the average score obtained for each of the 4 components. The data is sourced from the mystery rider investigation conducted each year.

Observations: The STL target is based on the experience of past years and inspired by the EN-13816 European standard, which demands a 90% customer satisfaction rate. We have consistently exceeded that target up to 2018, and have been posting performances  that generally speaks to a very high level of rider satisfaction.

Observations 2021: Given the public health crisis brought on by the Omicron variant at the end of the year, we did not conduct a mystery shopper survey as we had planned for the last quarter of 2021. The survey has been postponed to 2022.


Bus greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions


Description: This indicator measures the cumulative drop of bus GHG emissions per 100 km travelled (CO2 equivalent per km).

Objective: The STL aims to reduce bus CO2 emissions by 7.5% (107 kg CO2 / 100 km) compared to 2018 for the period ending in 2023. For 2028, the objective is a GHG reduction of 45% (61 kg CO2 / 100 km).

Calculation: Emissions produced by the number of litres of fuel the buses use / Total number of kilometres travelled for regular bus service.

Observations: The STL has significantly reduced its GHG emissions by gradually integrating hybrid buses into its fleet, and also by rigorously tracking its buses’ performance and adopting fuel consumption reduction measures (electric fans, preventive maintenance, etc.). The electrification of its fleet  via the purchase of electric buses only as of 2024 will also speed up the process of further reducing GHG emissions.

Observations 2021: Despite an increase in service since 2020, we stayed the course and scored well in terms of GHG reductions. In 2021, we operated our hybrid buses more often than our diesel buses to deliver the planned level of service to our customers.

We also deployed 10 electric buses on the Laval network in summer 2021, keeping us on track to fight climate change and reduce the environmental impact of transport.


Total spending per commercial KM – Regular bus service


Description: This indicator measures the total cost per kilometre travelled by regular bus service riders.

Objective: By 2023, the STL aims to maintain operating spending per revenue km at 2018 budget levels, i.e. $8.69 per revenue km.

Calculation: Total spending / Revenue km

Total spending: All spending including operating expenses and debt servicing costs excluding REM mitigation measures. For comparison purposes, spending is presented in constant dollars (2018).

Revenue kilometres: All kilometres travelled for regular bus service passengers.

Observations: Wages and fuel prices have a major effect on rising costs – the former is stabler, the latter more variable. We managed to control costs between 2015 and 2018, up 1.7% on average, or slightly above inflation.   

For 2023 and 2028, the STL is looking to maintain spending per kilometre at 2018 levels.

Observations 2021: The STL’s productivity increased significantly compared to 2020 and the transit agency met the annual target it set during the pandemic. The results are close to the target set before the pandemic.

Total spending per commercial KM – Paratransit service


Description: This indicator measures total spending of paratransit transportation per passenger trip.

Objective: The STL aims to limit the rise in operating spending per PT passenger trip to 3.3% in 2023 compared to the 2018 budget (2018 Constant Dollar).

Calculation: Total PT spending / PT passenger trips

Expenses incurred for paratransit transportation including operating costs and administration fees.  
Paratransit transportation passenger trip.

Observations 2021: The STL adapted its paratransit service to meet public health requirements. Vehicle capacity was reduced to allow for proper physical distancing inside the vehicles and to provide users with a safe service. After a more difficult year in 2020, the STL posted better results for 2021, moving closer to its target.

Day-to-day performance management maturity index


Description: This indicator measures the user friendliness of the 6 elements of the daily performance management (DPM) process: indicators, action plan, communication system, corrective measures, Lean leadership and PDCA.

Objective: The STL intends to push the daily performance management index to 3 on 5 in 2023, and 4 on 5 for 2028.

Calculation: The calculation is determined based on the various STL departments’ progress with respect to the statements and criteria of the DPM system. 
1 = Beginning ; 3 = Growing ; 5 = Excelling

Observations: The STL began implementing its Daily Performance Management system in 2017.

Observations 2021: As the STL embarked on its journey of corporate transformation, the transit agency passed another milestone this year, reaching the stage of day-to-day performance management maturity. Our teams never stopped working on improving our operations and striving for operational excellence after receiving recognition through the Canada Awards for Excellence.


Ridership – Regular bus service


Description: This indicator if for the number of passenger trips by STL regular bus service users.

Objective: The objectives of 2% in 2019, 13% in 2023 and 29% in 2028 are set based on the year 2018 as per the Organizational Strategic Plan, and translate respectively into the following ridership numbers: 19.3 M, 21.4 M and 24.4 M. Also, service improvements and the demographic growth expected in Laval will  push ridership upwards.

Calculation: A trip refers to a rider’s commute from point of origin to final destination, regardless of number of buses taken.

Observations: Regular STL ridership has been rising year after year, mostly as a result of Laval’s growing population. As for school bus ridership, it varies based on the agreements with Laval’s two schoolboards.

Observations 2021: Like many other public transit agencies, the STL saw a drop in ridership as the pandemic took hold. After fluctuating in response to public health directives issued in 2021, ridership on STL buses began to rebound. The momentum slowed down, however, as the fourth wave of COVID-19 hit at the end of the year.

Ridership – Paratransit service


Description: This indicator if for the number of passengertrips  by STL paratransit transportation users..

Objective: The STL has no ridership growth objective for paratransit transportation. Instead, the focus here is on meeting the commuting needs of paratransit transportation users, and this objective is met year after year.

Calculation: A trip refers to a rider’s commute from point of origin to final destination. Paratransit transportation ridership includes persons accompanying the user.

Observations: The increase in PT ridership is largely due to the fact that the healthcare network has reduced its transportation services for certain types of health services, causing users to turn to public transit authorities, which have since taken on this added rider segment. The aging population is also driving up demand.

Observations 2021: Results show that paratransit ridership increased gradually as some of the leisure activities that had been put on hold the previous year resumed, public health regulations were eased, and students returned to in-class instruction.

Service delivery

Bust fleet availability rate


Description: This indicator shows the segment of the bus fleet in the garage for maintenance or repair purposes.

Objective: The public transit authority wishes to maintain its reserve bus rate below 11.7% -- a fixed  and demanding benchmark based on the experience of recent years  and the preventive maintenance requirements of the Commission des transports du Québec..

Calculation: Average daily ratio of buses kept at the garage / Number of buses in the fleet at a given time.

Observations: It’s an ambitious target, but we reach it year in, year out, despite the vagaries of our climate that cause fluctuations in performance.

Observations 2021: The pandemic made sourcing equipment and replacement parts more difficult. Adding to that was a shortage of maintenance workers, leading to a lower bus availability rate in 2021. Despite the circumstances, the STL kept the bus service going and met its KPI target for service delivery.

Service delivery rate


Description: This indicator shows the proportion of planned trips taken.

Objectif: To ensure riders receive quality service, the STL intends to maintain a service delivery rate exceeding 99.7%.

Calculation: Proportion of delivery of a service provided in full or in part.

Observations: We reach this target year in, year out, despite the vagaries of our climate that cause fluctuations in performance.

Observations 2021: Despite disruptions due to winter weather and the bus drivers’ union strike, the STL was able to maintain a service delivery rate of 99.77%. As it is considered an essential service, the STL continued to operate buses while putting appropriate public health and safety measures in place.

Here are some valid requests to activate departure and arrival location suggestions and get your itinirary.
Address 900 St-Martin Blvd
900 st-martin
3225 A440
3225 a440
Intersection Industriel bldv and Michelin st
industriel and michelin
Location Centre Laval
centre lav
Metro Métro Cartier
métro car
Station Gare Centrale
Stop number 41649
Postal Code H7S 1Y9