STL - Société de transport de Laval


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As part of its mission, Société de transport de Laval (hereinafter called “STL”) acknowledges the relevance of using different digital platforms, such as email and social media, in particular (hereinafter called the “STL Platforms”), to the extent that this use is sound and respects others and the applicable legislation.

STL Netiquette is a set of rules of conduct governing the behaviour of Web users on the STL Platforms. Any person who accesses the STL Platforms, who participates in them or who makes any direct or indirect use of them (hereinafter called the “User) undertakes to comply with all applicable rules, particularly this Netiquette, STL’s Terms and Conditions of Use and STL’s Privacy Policy (hereinafter called the “Applicable Rules”). 

Consequently, the following rules apply to the STL Platforms, in particular: 

  1. The STL Platforms are not anonymous. STL requests that people identify themselves so that it can respond to them. STL is not bound to respond to persons who refuse to identify themselves.
  2. Usurpation of identity of another person is forbidden and is considered a serious offence. 
  3. The STL Platforms are open to anyone expressing an interest in the content disseminated on them and advocate values of respect and equality between their users. 
  4. Any content said to be illicit or disrespectful is prohibited, particularly any content that is forbidden by law or morality, inciting the commission of a criminal act, discriminatory, defamatory, hateful, with a sexual connotation, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, contrary to STL’s mission and values or disparaging of ethnic origin or affiliation to a religion or an age group.
  5. Any message containing a word or words written in uppercase letters (except for abbreviations and acronyms) may be perceived as aggressive, on the same basis as shouting. This usage therefore is to be prohibited on the STL Platforms. STL is not bound to respond to a message that does not respect this rule and could even hide or delete this message, or block a user who repeatedly uses uppercase letters. 
  6. Vulgar, insulting, crude, obscene or malicious language is forbidden. The STL Platforms are public places. Not only could this language hurt certain Users, but such remarks are contrary to STL’s values, which encourage respectful speech and constructive exchanges. 
  7. Exchanges of arguments and contradictory views are the key elements of healthy debate. Mutual respect between Users is mandatory. Thus, is it forbidden to insult, threaten or harass a User. The User may express his/her disagreement with an idea without attacking anyone. 
  8. Most interactions are conducted in French, but STL, at its convenience may respond in French or in English when a User communicates with it in English. To promote everyone’s understanding, use of other languages is to be avoided. In a similar vein, messages must be written with a language quality conducive to everyone’s understanding. 
  9. Messages that are unrelated to the topic or out of context could be hidden or deleted. The same applies to insistent messages.
  10. The inclusion of hyperlinks to other sites is permitted, on condition that they respect this Netiquette. However, STL is in no way responsible for the content of these third-party sites. 
  11. Any infringement of intellectual property is forbidden (particularly by recopying excerpts from other sites without citing the sources or requesting authorization) A copy of another person’s text must explicitly refer to its author. 
  12. Advertising or promotional content is forbidden, regardless of its form. 
  13. Propaganda in any form is forbidden.
  14. It is forbidden to publish any personal or confidential information on the STL Platforms (for example, a telephone number or an email address).
  15. STL reserves the right to close a forum or any of its STL Platforms at any time, without notice. 
  16. STL reserves the right to modify the Applicable Rules at any time, particularly the Netiquette.
  17. By publishing content on the STL Platforms, the User is aware that these messages will be indexed on the Internet search engines like Google.
  18. STL is in no way bound to remove the messages of Users who requests this. STL thus invites the Users to think well about their comments and the consequences of their publication.
  19. By publishing content on the STL Platforms, the Users grant STL permission and the free and unlimited right to use and disseminate their content, for all intents and purposes.
  20. The comments published on the STL Platforms could be archived and retained. The Users thus must be aware of the permanent nature of their interventions.

STL encourages citizens to participate massively in the discussions on the STL Platforms and to express themselves freely, while showing civic responsibility. In case of non-compliance by a User with the Applicable Rules, STL reserves the right to remove without notice one or more of that User’s interventions published on the STL Platforms, terminate a discussion with this User without notice or block the User’s access to one or more of the STL Platforms, without prejudice to its other rights and recourses. 

Notwithstanding the foregoing, because it is possible to publish comments spontaneously on the STL Platforms without prior verification and moderation, STL assumes no warranty in this regard, particularly in respect of veracity, relevance, absence of prohibited remarks and quality of spelling. The User is solely responsible for his/her use of the STL Platforms and the content of its publications, completely waiving any liability on the part of STL.

Any complaint is addressed directly by STL’s Customer Contact Center (hereinafter the “CCC”). For any complaint, please contact the CCC.

STL makes sure to moderate and address the Users’ messages and comments as soon as possible, during its business hours. The STL platforms are not monitored at all times. As needed, contact the CCC to report an inappropriate comment.

The STL Platforms were created in accordance with the Québec and Canadian statutes, which do not necessary offer protection of the country where the User resides (for example, personal information, reputation or content).

La présente nétiquette est rédigée en français. Une version anglaise de cette nétiquette est également disponible. En cas de divergence entre la version française et la version anglaise de la nétiquette, la version française prévaut. 

This Netiquette is written in French. An English version of this Netiquette is also available. In case of a discrepancy between the French version and the English version of Netiquette, the French version prevails.

Here are some valid requests to activate departure and arrival location suggestions and get your itinirary.
Address 900 St-Martin Blvd
900 st-martin
3225 A440
3225 a440
Intersection Industriel bldv and Michelin st
industriel and michelin
Location Centre Laval
centre lav
Metro Métro Cartier
métro car
Station Gare Centrale
Stop number 41649
Postal Code H7S 1Y9