STL - Société de transport de Laval


Sondage satisfaction STL - PRIX À GAGNER! -


Terms of use

Terms and Conditions of Use of Digital Tools

Welcome, and thank you for consulting the digital tools of Société de transport de Laval (hereinafter called ”STL”).

Last update: May 4, 2020

Acceptance and modification

STL’s website and its mobile apps, its dynamic display devices and any other digital tools it might make available to the public (hereinafter collectively called “Tools”) offer general information as well as certain services, documents, information tools, forms and accounts pertaining to STL’s mission (hereinafter “Content”).

The user who accesses these Tools, browses them, uses or downloads their Content in whole or in part, or otherwise uses these Tools and their Content in any manner whatsoever, accepts the terms and conditions of use described hereinafter and STL’s Privacy Policy. The user could also be called upon to comply with certain additional conditions associated with certain Tools or sections of these Tools (hereinafter collectively called “Conditions”).

Please carefully read the following, as any user of these Tools is deemed to have read and accepted the Conditions, acknowledged their validity and undertakes to comply with them and be bound by them. 

STL may modify the Conditions at any time and without notice. The date of the most recent change made to these Conditions is indicated at the bottom of this document. In the event of such a change, the user is thereupon bound by the Conditions thus modified and agrees to abide by them. 

If the user does not accept the Conditions or their modification, as applicable, he/she shall not use the Tools. 

These conditions constitute all the rights and obligations binding STL and any user of these Tools. They replace any and all previous conditions or provisions relating to the use of these Tools. No verbal or written declaration of an employee or officer of STL nor any other person may have the effect of modifying or replacing the Conditions.

Applicable laws

The STL’s website is operated and powered by a computer located in Ville de Laval, Province of Québec, Canada, and hosted on servers located in Ville de Montréal, Province of Québec, Canada.

The Content and use of the Tools are governed by the relevant statutes of Québec and Canada. The present Conditions, as well as any dispute or disagreement arising from their enforcement, shall be interpreted in accordance with these statutes. 

Should any part of these Conditions be contrary to law, null or unenforceable, that part shall be deemed severable from these Conditions and shall not compromise the validity and enforceability thereof, and Conditions thereupon shall be interpreted without making reference to the severed part. Any recourse, action, motion or legal proceedings based on the contents or use of the Tools and taken against STL or involving the latter, shall be brought before a court of Québec or a federal court of Canada, despite any potential application of the conflict of law principles.


Unless otherwise indicated, STL owns all the Tools and their Content, whether in written, visual, audiovisual, binary, audio or other form. This Content is protected by Canadian and international copyright legislation (in particular, by the (Copyright Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-42). STL holds copyright over such aspects as the selection, coordination, arrangement and improvement of this Content. 

It is illegal to reproduce, modify, download, publish, copy, post, display, share, index in a database or otherwise distribute all or part of this Content as well as capitalize on it, in particular, by participating in its sale or transfer or by creating works arising therefrom. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no usurpation of the Content via hyperlinks, framework or registration of related domain names is permitted. 

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the open source data made available by STL on these Tools may be downloaded and capitalized on in strict compliance with the Terms and Conditions of Use inherent in their downloading. Also, nevertheless, STL allows any user of the Tools to make a copy of their Content, subject to the restrictions on the use of official marks and other marks, without any specific authorization or charges, provided that:

  • such copy results from one single download, on one single computer;
  • such copy is made for strictly personal purposes and in no way for commercial or lucrative purposes;
  • STL is clearly identified as the source of the copied documents;
  • the copy is not presented as an official version of the copied documents nor as a copy made in cooperation with STL, under its supervision or with its consent;
  • following such copy, the contents of the documents copied are not modified with the purpose of or the result of infringing STL’s moral rights.

STL grants no licenses other than the one heretofore stated and, moreover, reserves all its intellectual property rights over the Content of the Tools.

The user of the Tools agrees to having STL freely capitalize on or use the ideas, concepts, knowhow or techniques communicated to it electronically or by telephone, regardless of the purpose, and he/she transfers to STL his/her potential rights in this respect, without STL being obliged to pay any royalties or other payments whatsoever, but subject to STL’s commitment with regard to the protection of personal information.

Official mark and trademarks 

The expression “STL” and the STL logo are an official mark of a public authority within the meaning of sub-paragraph 9(1)(n)(iii) of the Trademarks Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. T-13), and are duly registered as such.

Moreover, certain graphics, logos, icons, drawings, expressions, words or slogans present in these Tools constitute, or may constitute, official marks, trademarks, service marks, manufacturer’s marks or certification marks pursuant to the laws of Canada or to those of any other country. These marks may be registered as such. The fact that such marks may be displayed in these Tools is not tantamount to granting or transferring any license whatsoever.

STL reserves all its rights with regard to any official mark, trademark, service mark, manufacturer’s mark or certification mark that it holds or uses. It is illegal to download, copy, post, display, share or otherwise distribute such a mark. STL will exercise all appropriate legal recourse against any person using a mark that STL holds or that it uses itself.

Integrity and accuracy of information

STL endeavours to ensure that the information available in the Tools is complete, accurate and up to date. This information comes from sources that STL considers to be reliable and is regularly updated. It may nevertheless contain inaccuracies, omissions, typographical errors or other defects.  Consequently, the Tools and all of its Content are made available to the public “as is”, without any warranty of any nature, whether express or implied, including, among others, implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement or adequacy with regard to specific uses or needs.


Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, STL provides no warranty with regard to the availability or stability of the Content of the Tools, with regard to the possibility of accessing them or to the accuracy, reliability or accuracy of the information offered, and in particular that which relates to the schedules, STL partners, legislation or regulations, the availability of the transportation services described or in public calls for tenders. The user is asked to take note that the Tools are regularly subject to technical maintenance operations, which may limit or prevent access thereto. STL, at its own discretion, may suspend, cease or restrict the use of any such Tool or any portion of these Tools, at any time, without notice or liability.

STL, as well as its officers, directors, employees, suppliers, contractors or mandataries, will not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage whatsoever sustained with regard to the use of the Tools or the functions of the Tools  or of any site related or pertaining thereto, including, among others, special prejudice, damages related to a security incident, punitive, exemplary, incidental, moral or consequential damages, loss of earnings, shortfall, loss or theft of information, damage for operating losses or loss or deletion of programs or data in an information system, nor any other expenses or damage that would result from: the use or unavailability of these Tools; the algorithms they contain; the incompatibility of any software downloaded or copied therefrom; an interruption; a defect; a delay in processing or transmission; the presence of a computer virus, malware or other destructive elements; a power failure or system outage, and all this whether or not STL is informed of the possibility of such damage, loss or expense.

Every user of the Tools does so at his/her own risk and undertakes to hold harmless and indemnify STL and its officers, directors, employees, suppliers, contractors or mandataries, against any and all civil, criminal or quasi-criminal liability related to the use of the Tools, irrespective of any negligence on the part of the above-mentioned parties.

Unless otherwise indicated, any and all amounts of money indicated in these Tools are expressed in legal tender of Canada.

Rules for use of the Tools 

The user agrees not to use the Tools: 

  • in an inappropriate manner, of any nature whatsoever; 
  • to attempt to interfere with the Content or access it by using a method other than the interface and the instructions made available to the user; 
  • to damage, overload or compromise the Tools or put them out of service; 
  • to disrupt the security of the Tools; 
  • to disturb or disrupt the use of the Tools by third parties;
  • to attempt to obtain unauthorized access to the Tools or to certain portions of the Tools where access is limited; 
  • to download, display or otherwise transmit any virus or harmful, disruptive or destructive computer program. 

Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, STL does not authorize the user of the Tools to modify, reformulate, adapt, change, adjust, rearrange, dismantle, delimit or decode the Content, except to the extent of the information personalization mechanisms specifically made available to the user by STL.

Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to display in the Tools or transmit via the Tools any illegal material, threats, texts, sounds or images of a defamatory, obscene, fraudulent, scandalous, seditious, pornographic or blasphemous nature, or any other material that could constitute a criminal or penal offence or that could promote or encourage its commission, or lead to an action in liability or violate the laws in force in any other way.

The user agrees that he/she has sole responsibility for any use he/she makes of the Tools or their Content and agrees to comply with all applicable laws regarding the use of the Tools. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Content, the services and the functionalities of the Tools are also available on mobile devices. The user shall not use them in a manner that could distract him/her and prevent him/her from complying with the Highway Safety Code or any other applicable laws. 

STL platforms

Moreover, when the user uses STL’s various Internet platforms, such as email and the STL social media accounts, the user is invited to study and comply with STL Netiquette. 

Furthermore, the user understands that certain STL Internet platforms, such as the STL pages on social media (for example: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, etc.), belong to third parties. If applicable, the “Third-party sites” section of these Conditions applies to their use.


The user understands that in the context of their use of the services offered in the Tools, certain messages could be sent by STL or its service providers, on its behalf, in relation to this use, in accordance with the legislation or STL’s Privacy Policy. The user might choose to stop receiving some of these messages, in accordance with the legislation. 

The user understands that certain services require the sending of messages by STL, if applicable, should the user no longer wish to receive messages, he/she must stop using these services. 


The user might need an account to use some of the servicers offered in the Tools. The user may create his/her own account or an account may be created for the user, at his/her request, by a representative of STL’s Customer Contact Centre (hereinafter called “CCC”). To protect his/her account, the user must preserve the confidentiality of his/her password. The user understands that he/she is responsible for the activity associated with or passing through his/her account. The user is invited not to reuse his/her password associated with his/her account for third-party sites. If the user discovers that his/her password or account has been used without authorization, he/she is invited to change it immediately or communicate without delay with the CCC. 

At any time, the user may delete his/her own account by accessing his/her Customer Space and profile settings. The deletion of an account in the Customer Space does not delete the data appearing in the customer’s record with STL.

Regardless of whether it has been obtained via the Customer Space or via a telephone call, the query form (Contact us), an exchange of emails, responses to a survey, participation in a contest, or consents given to receive electronic communications or messages on social media, the information obtained by STL is retained in accordance with the legislation. See our Privacy Policy for more details on the use and protection of personal information at STL. 

A customer who wishes his/her record and personal information to be deleted completely from STL’s records and systems must request this by phoning 450-688-6520.

Third-party sites

The Tools contain hyperlinks, which quickly provide access to websites belonging to third parties and managed by them. STL makes these hyperlinks available to the users of these Tools solely as a convenience only and exercises no form of control over the contents of the sites to which these hyperlinks lead. 

Moreover, STL makes no representation, issues no approval and accepts no responsibility with regard to the contents or use of such sites. Some of these sites may use temporary or permanent cookies. Finally, it should be noted that the information presented on the sites operated by third parties may not be available in French and/or in English. The user understands that once he/she clicks on such hyperlink or otherwise accesses a third-party site, the information exchanged is no longer subject to STL’s Privacy Policy. STL accepts no responsibility for the use of these sites, particularly with regard to the security standards of these sites and the accuracy of the information contained therein. 

Management of Tools and technical problems

The Tools are fully managed or administered by STL. We ask the users to inform us of any technical problems or errors encountered during browsing, using the form provided for this purpose in the Contact us section of our website.

French language

Les présentes conditions sont rédigées en français. Une version anglaise de ces conditions est également disponible. En cas de divergence entre la version française et la version anglaise des conditions, la version française prévaut. 

These Terms and Conditions are written in French. An English version of these Terms and Conditions is also available. In case of a discrepancy between the French version and the English version of these Terms and Conditions, the French version prevails.

Here are some valid requests to activate departure and arrival location suggestions and get your itinirary.
Address 900 St-Martin Blvd
900 st-martin
3225 A440
3225 a440
Intersection Industriel bldv and Michelin st
industriel and michelin
Location Centre Laval
centre lav
Metro Métro Cartier
métro car
Station Gare Centrale
Stop number 41649
Postal Code H7S 1Y9